Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lily Stands UP!

As IF Lily was going to be satisfied with crawling.  After exactly six days of official crawling she decided to pull herself up on the furniture.  I have to give her some credit because she IS good at it.  And I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom and I genuinely believe she is a savant.  I admit that the definition of 'savant' does not fit my purpose here but I believe my message is clear.  My first choice was 'virtuoso' but that really only applies to one with exceptional musical abilities.

Ever since I joined a group on Facebook called"I judge you when you use poor grammar" I've been trying to clean up my act.  Please don't start judging me or my grammar skills.  As Joe Goebel once said "I may write well but I talk good."  

By the way, my amazing husband bought us (read: Me) a new Mac Mini and it has a neat dictionary tool in the Dashboard.  So now I can blog my little heart out in style!