Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lily is 1!

Happy Birthday, Lily!  We totally can't believe you're 1... of course we still are still in denial that the people at the hospital let us leave with you.  Although I think that has really worked out for the best.  So, what can I say about Lily's birthday party?  Let me see.... it was FABULOUS!  Joe, Lily, and I had a wonderful time and appreciate our family so much.  I was really concerned about Lily getting cake all over the carpet so I was extra careful to take carpet/cake precautions.  Turns out there was not one single cake crumb on the floor.  Well, someone else could have been careless with their cake but not Lily.  I'm pretty sure the entire piece of cake was gone in 4 bites.  I was a little scared because I thought I might have to explain to an emergency room doctor how, exactly, my daughter suffocated on birthday cake.  

Check out Lily's BF Colin....adorable!!!!