Sunday, November 15, 2009

Technical Difficulties

...And we're back!  We experienced some technical difficulties because 1.) Antonio Roberts stole my camera without my permission 2.) I bought a new camera that didn't work so it had to be sent in for repairs 3.) when the camera came back it STILL didn't work until a very ambitious Wal-Mart associate named Daran helped me out.

Note: this does not change my opinion of Wal-Mart nor is it an endorsement of said retailer.  It's still evil and I can only assume Daran is experiencing bad Karma.  

So since we've been gone a few items to bring you up to speed.  The new kitchen has arrived and it is fabulous!  I cannot believe what a difference a dishwasher makes.  Check out some of the old posts for 'before' shots of the kitchen.  Also, Lily has gotten a LOT bigger and faster while Joe and I have gotten older and slower.  

Here are some recent pictures of Miss Bell with her new shopping cart (thank you, Aunt Katy!) and enjoying a snack in the new kitchen.

It's good to be back!

Lily has typed the following message:
hljklljlkjkfgjkldfjgdsfjlksjdlkfjlkdsfjklsdsjfklsdjflksdjfkadjtusaoiuskjdflkjgukyy  ccfjhmmmm