Lucy has made it through the first week of life and is apparently no worse for wear! She seems to be a fast learner. For example, she has already learned that mommy REALLY likes to sleep at night. Mommy also likes sleeping in the daytime its just that night-time sleep is something I cannot, and should not, go without. I think its a medical condition. I take medication for it.
Also, Lucy has learned that crying babies get the most attention. Much like the old adage "the squeakiest wheel gets the grease". I generally hate adults who behave this way outside of a life-or-death situation but I am okay with babies using it because they can't talk, after all.
Here is something amusing I heard while watching day-time TV: Justin Beiber has called out Tom Brady on his hair-do. I'm not "exactly" sure who Justin Beiber is but I am sure that he has not arrived at the point in life where its okay to call out Tom Brady. My friend Lauren brought to my attention that Justin Beiber has authored several books. Which raises another excellent question: books about what? I just can't imagine there is enough life experience, for lack of a better term, to fill an article in Tiger Beat, let alone several books. Lets hope there are a lot of pictures.
I digress, my darling daughter is one week old and we are richer for it.